About Us

Jonathan Nobleza (he/they) L.Ac., Dipl. O.M., MAcOM resides as guest on Tongva and Acjacheman territory (Orange County,CA) where he practices as a healer and offers council/coaching through somatic and ritualistic arts. 

He draws upon studies in East Asian Medicine/Acupuncture, manual medicine traditions, ancestral and earth based technologies, and internal arts, to guide his approach with those he works with. These webs of wisdom serve as a foundation to listen with the inherent intelligences that make up the body and beyond, attune to their rhythms, and align with greater wholeness.

Jonathan teaches yoga both online and in-person for groups and individuals. His studies in yoga and meditation began over 23 years ago as a young teen with 14 years focused in the practices rooted in the lineage of the Pashupata tantrika yogins, as kept alive through the Shadow Yoga school headed by Sundernath (Shandor Remete) and Emma Balnaves. 

Jonathan has also trained in various forms of cultivation, including a wide range of musical expressions, gong-fu tea ceremony, and utilizes a depth of skillsets to help others prepare for and integrate psychedelic experiences.

A strong focus in Jonathan’s life is to remember ancestral technologies of his bloodlines (the Philippines) and beyond that have been forgotten as a result of the impacts of colonial legacies. He is committed to living in prayerful relationships with the living traditions, lands, and lineages that continue to guide him.

Jonathan holds a B.A. in Anthropology and a M.A. in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.